Patch 5.3.: Tipy a triky u loadingscreenov
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Článek Patch 5.3.: Tipy a triky u loadingscreenov

Patch 5.3.: Tipy a triky u loadingscreenov



6. 3. 2014 21:17

Pred dvomi dňami vyšiel malý patch do Doty, ktorý pomenil zopár drobností v hre a pridal ticket na SLTV Starladder IX (ku ktorému získate aj unikátny set na Licha a tiež aj loading screeny).


Hlavné zmeny:


UI zmeny

Waiting tabuľka v hre bola pozmenená tak, že pozadie je priesvitné.



Hra odteraz zobrazuje várku tipov a trikov počas načítavania hry, tak ako napríklad v CS:GO. Pre istotu pridávam anglický zoznam tipov, ktoré momentálne ešte neboli preložené do češtiny.

  • "If the hero in your lane is missing for some time, tell your teammates so they don't get ganked!"
  • "You can level up your abilities by holding Control and hitting the ability shortcut key"
  • "Make sure someone on your team is buying wards to ensure you get map vision"
  • "Be sure your team has a courier so that you can stay in your lane gaining experience and gold, instead of needing to return to the shop to buy items."
  • "Sentry Wards reveal invisible units and enemy wards."
  • "Illusions and other creeps don't dispel Smoke of Deceit, only heroes do."
  • "Roshan is a lot easier to kill if you reduce his armor."
  • "Make sure you bring items to restore your health and mana into the lane at the start of the game."
  • "You can level up your abilities by holding Control and hitting the ability shortcut key."
  • "Make sure someone on your team is buying Observer Wards to help increase map vision."
  • "Holding Alt will display additional information in the tooltips of several abilities and items."
  • "Shift-clicking on shop items will add them to the quick buy."
  • "Last hitting a tower gives you more gold."
  • "You can Alt-click your abilities to expose their cooldown to your teammates through chat."
  • "You can Alt-click enemy heroes in the top bar to message your teammates that they are missing from the lane."
  • "When Roshan has been killed, he will respawn after 8 to 11 minutes (randomly determined)."
  • "Neutral creeps spawn at the 30 second mark, and then at every minute mark thereafter."
  • "Shift-Clicking actions or abilities allows you to queue them."
  • "Some spells can be dodged with blink dagger or invisibility."
  • "Some projectiles can be dodged with smoke."
  • "Attacking from an uphill position gives you an advantage as the opponent can miss or lose you in fog of war."
  • "Try building a Pipe of Insight to negate the enemies magic area of effect damage."
  • "Shivas Guard and Assault Cuirass are great for boosting your team's armor in an area of effect (AOE)."
  • "When a tower is attacking you, attack-clicking on an allied creep will reset the tower's target."
  • "Abilities that do physical damage have their effectiveness reduced by armor."
  • "If a ward is placed close to a neutral creep camp, it will prevent the creeps from spawning."
  • "Monkey King Bar will give you true strike, which prevents you from missing uphill strikes and prevents your enemies from evading your attack."


Zmena non-hero itemov odteraz môže fungovať na báze "shuffle", alebo ak chcete, náhodného výberu - v podstate to funguje u wárd, announcerov, kuriérov atď.



A takisto boli upravené aj dotazníky po hre - kvalita zápasu, tvoja spolupráca a spolupráca spoluhráčov.



Batriderov portrét

Batriderov portrét sa dočkal nepatrnej úpravy. Naľavo je starý portrét, napravo nový.



Invokerove Forge Spirity

Invokerove Forge Spirity, ktoré sú často dodávané k setom, sa dočkali zvýšenej kvality textúr. Všimnite si rozdiel medzi starými a novými textúrami. Naľavo je stará textúra, napravo je nová.




League tickety

Tak ako tradične ku každému malému patchu, aj tentoraz boli pridané niektoré tickety ku ligám, medzi významnejšie patria aj The Monster Invitational (4 top tímy sa stretnú v boji v texaskom Austine o 15 000$) či SLTV Starladder IX, ku ktorému dostanete aj unikátny set na Licha so spectator gemom, ktorý podľa počtu videní odomyká štýly setu a darček v podobe dvoch loadingscreenov, ktoré môžete vidieť nižšie.







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